



The FY 2023 AFG Application Period

This grant opens on January 29th, 2024, and closes on March 8th, 2024 at 5 pm Eastern Time.




Action Training Systems training materials are eligible under the FY 2023 AFG program.

  • AFG will fund online training materials
    So, whichever fits your department training the best, Action Training Online Courses, USB, and DVDs are fundable
  • AFG Micro Grants
    If you have a project that requires a federal share of less than $50,000, this category of funding deserves a long and hard look.

From the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

Micro Grants: The selection of the voluntary Micro Grant option (cumulative federal funding of $50,000) for eligible Operations and Safety activities does not impact an applicant’s request or federal participation under the Vehicle Acquisition or Regional projects. Applicants who select Micro Grants under Operations and Safety as a funding opportunity choice may still apply for a Vehicle Acquisition or Regional project.



Grant Priorities

ATS has has some great online training options that come in under the $50K threshold and line up with grant priorities

Highest Priority

For fire departments, regional and state fire training academy training priorities are:

  • Training consistent with national or state standards
  • Training that brings a department into compliance with recommended NFPA or other accepted standards

ATS courses teach to current NFPA standards

  • Instructor-led training that requires student testing to demonstrate academic competence or practical proficiency.

ATS courses are designed to be used as part of a program of instruction overseen by a certified instructor

  • Training that benefits the highest percentage of applicable personnel, such as the hazardous materials training within a fire department or training that will be open to other eligible organizations

AFG Resources

AFG Guidance Materials:

AFG Home Page:

AFG Contact Information:

AFG Help Desk Email:

Call for a Quote!

Please call us for quotes on customized packages.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to receive a training grant for your department or organization.