


ATS Online – Interactive Courses

Online Interactive Courses

Our Online Interactive courses for firefighter and EMS training are standards-based and designed to be utilized as instructor-directed resources both in and out of the classroom.

We believe that videos should NOT replace hands-on training, but instead be used as a tool for the instructor to engage students and to support and enhance essential education.

Accessing Online Courses

Courses hosted on the Absorb Learning Management System

  • Available by video series or complete catalogs for individual or group purchase
  • Are accessed through a secure HTTPS login page with SSL encryption
  • Can be viewed on PC or Mac computers and mobile devices using the compatible browsers
  • Can be accessed by from any location with internet-ready devices with strong
    Wi- Fi or broadband internet connection 

Administrative Dashboard Features

  • Administrative dashboard is hosted on the Absorb Learning Management System
  • Administrators fulfilling individual training requirements can have their learner and admin accounts linked with one username and password
  • One-click toggle access allows for a seamless transition between both interfaces



Flip the Classroom!

Training officers and instructors can offer the Online Interactive courses in a “flipped-classroom” model prior to meeting for hands-on training. Or, they may assign absentees and other personnel these courses as makeup assignments or to satisfy regulatory requirements for recurrent training or continuing education credit.

Requires Total Engagement - You Can't Play & Walk Away!

Courses are truly interactive, require total student engagement and don’t allow skipping ahead

  • Contain the same high-resolution videos used in our DVDs and online streaming options
  • Each video is presented in sections with specific learning objectives followed by an interactive assessment
  • If a question is answered incorrectly, the program replays section with the correct information then same question is repeated and answers choices are randomized
  • Chapter quizzes that follow require a certain passing percentage and each course has a final exam

Subscription Model

Subscriptions to Online Interactive Courses have the option to add:

  • Free stand-alone exam modules for test-out option and post-class online testing
  • Free CAPCE reporting for continuing education credit

These also include your choice of one or more series in the ATS Streaming Video Library which are accompanied by the corresponding instructor PowerPoint files for an additional cost

CE Approved!

Our Online Interactive fire courses have been reviewed and approved for use in certain states where Fire CE approval is required. 

ATS has  Organizational Accreditation from the Commission for Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) for our Online Interactive EMS courses.

NREMT & State CE!

EMS Online Interactive courses are eligible for 1 CE from CAPCE, which means they are automatically approved by the NREMT as well as many states.

CAPCE and the NREMT allows you to push your CAPCE course credit hours directly into your professional transcript for NREMT recertification credits.

Important Compliance Resource

  • Transcripts and certificates are available on-demand to both students and administrators
  • Can be used in the “flipped-classroom” model by assigning our training as precourse work prior to meeting for hands-on training
  • Use for missed training events and turn downtime to productive training time

More LMS Features

  • Communicate to students through a message board
  • Offer open enrollment or prescribe specific content via “controlled enrollments”
  • Track student activity and test scores
  • Set frequency for automated reports to be sent via email to one or more admins via an excel spreadsheet or CSV file for import into other records-management databases
  • View course status and completion details like timestamps, number of attempts and final exam scores
  • Force completions resulting in certificates earned for students who attended classroom training where ATS content was used