HAZMAT Response
1. Hazardous Material Containers and Scene Safety 2. Hazardous Material Response Sources & Terminology 3. Hazardous Material Defensive Options & Objectives 4. Hazardous Material Protection & Decontamination 5. Hazardous Material Scene Control & Safety Measures 6. Hazardous Material Defensive Actions 7. Terrorism & WMD Awareness
This 7-title series reviews various types of chemical containers, as well as scene safety procedures and response resources required at a HAZMAT incident. Reviewed terminology, hazardous material behavior, and how to select appropriate PPE. Scene control includes defensive actions and best practices for response to terrorism or the use of weapons of mass destruction.
HAZMAT Decontamination
1. Why Decontaminate? 2. Decontamination Procedures 3. Handling Contaminated Victims 4. Mass Decontamination
This 4-title series reviews procedures used for an emergency response to a remote, technical, or mass decontamination situation. Presented are critical steps to safe decontamination operations, how to handle affected victims, as well as planning considerations for proper site set-up and the containment of runoff.
HAZMAT Containment
1. Plugging & Patching Drums 2. Containing Leaks in Pressurized Cylinders 3. Diking Diverting & Retaining Spills 4. Incidents Involving Fuel Tank Truck
This 4-title series presents an overview of the major issues, equipment, materials, and procedures necessary for hazardous materials spill control. The series will provide students with an introduction and/or a review of the hands-on skills according to NFPA® job performance requirements.
HAZMAT Awareness
1. HAZMAT Recognition 2. HAZMAT Identification
This 2-title series and all others listed below are designed to assist fire personnel in meeting the training requirements of current NFPA® standards. Responders must be able to quickly recognize and identify hazardous materials to initiate a proper response. Presented are, awareness-level information and skills for firefighters called to provide support or respond to a HAZMAT incident.