


The Complexities of Firefighter Training

Becoming a qualified firefighter is challenging. Many people don’t truly understand what it takes to work in this profession or realize how much essential training is needed.


There are educational requirements, a requisite number of training hours (initial and ongoing), specific skill proficiencies to demonstrate, (which often also includes basic medical training), as well as physical and medical requirements. In addition to all this, there is testing, both oral and written plus formal interviewing before you are hired.


Two Levels of Qualification For Firefighters

Once hired, the job requires that you practice, apply skills, and be willing to continually learn and train.  NFPA 1001 Standard for Fire Fighter Qualifications outlines two levels of the training and performance qualifications firefighters need to have to work as a firefighter. These are Firefighter I and Firefighter II.

There may be some overlap of the skills needed in each level, but the idea is that Firefighter I is building on the fundamentals.  Firefighter Level II will then increase or expand on the concepts.



instructorYour Firefighter Training Solution

Action Training Systems, Inc (ATS) series, The Basics of Firefighting I & II is the perfect resource for a department that wants to introduce the skills prior to hands-on training, a “hybrid” approach, or to provide recurrent training.


The Basics of Firefighting – Firefighter I Training

The first series in “The Basics of Firefighting” presents the skills required for Firefighter I. The 23-title series includes information on responder wellness and mental health, on-the-job recommendations for limiting cancer risk.


Also presented are fire behavior and fire control, use of transitional attacks, tactics for basement fires, the use of master streams for exposure control. Skills demonstrations include the use of fire streams, ladders, knots, and forcible entry techniques.


Training for Firefighter II

Basics of Firefighting: Firefighter II 10-title series expands on important requisite knowledge. Titles include information on rescue operations during vehicle extrication such as stabilization and hazard control, identifying types of building construction, and its potential risks during a fire.  Topics include water supply operations,  pre-incident planning procedures, how to identify origin and causes of fires, as well as details on how to present important community risk reductions programs to the public.


Firefighter Training You Can Trust

This is NOT a text-filled narrated slide series. These engaging programs are full-motion videos that will hold your students’ attention. They are filled with dynamic skills demonstrated by professional firefighters.

Included are scenario-based reenactments, b-roll from actual incidents, and 3-D graphics that illustrate critical firefighting concepts.


Experience Counts!

Action Training Systems has been producing training content for over 30 years, we know what works, and what doesn’t.  Working with instructional designers, and leading subject matter experts, our programs have proven to increase retention and improve test scores.


Multiple Instructor Resources Available For Firefighter Training

The Basics of Firefighting is an excellent companion to two popular industry textbooks, The Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th Edition, by IFSTA, and the Public Safety Group/Jones & Bartlett, Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills, 4th Edition. ATS Correlation guides indicate which titles apply to the chapter objectives in each textbook so you can use the series hand in hand with whichever textbook you are using.


Additional instructor resources available for both series include PowerPoint presentations for each title, as well as Facilitator Guides with lesson outlines.  We also offer a quiz generator and test banks.  Closed captioning is included on DVDs and Online Video Library.


Using Interactive Courses – Firefighters Can’t Hit “Play” & Walk Away

The 33 titles in “The Basics of Firefighting” are also integrated into Interactive Online courses. Training Officers and instructors can assign the Online Interactive courses using a “flipped-classroom” model prior to meeting for hands-on training.  They might also offer them to any absentee personnel to make-up training hours, or to satisfy regulatory requirements for recurrent training or continuing education.


Interactive Courses Include Formative Assessments ‘

Each course is presented in sections with specific learning objectives followed by an interactive assessment. If a question is answered incorrectly, the program replays section with the correct information then the same question is repeated and answer choices are randomized. The courses require total student engagement and don’t allow skipping ahead or the sharing of answers.


Game Changer for Training

Action Training Systems Firefighter training is truly a game-changer when it comes to quality instruction.  With so many different formats to choose from and the variety of topics available, you are sure to find what you need for your training program.

For more information about this essential training product visit www.action-training.com